Longi and Sustainable Development

In 2023, LONGi introduced the LIGHT sustainability principles, comprising the core elements of Lead, Innovative, Green, Harmonious, and Trustworthy. These principles align our corporate development strategy with the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to achieve clean, renewable, and efficiently utilized energy while collaborating with stakeholders to create a future where “clean energy is affordable for all”.
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Industry Mover

On 16th July,2024, the world-leading solar technology company, LONGi is pleased to announce that it has been recognized in the “S&P Sustainability Yearbook (China Edition) 2024” and awarded the “Industry Mover” title for the first time according to the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

Sustainability Report


LONGi Sustainability Report 2023

Established in 2000, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. With a vision to “To be the most compelling solar technology company by leading the world’s transition to green energy”, the company is dedicated to making clean energy affordable and accessible worldwide. We have joined the RE100, EP100, EV100 initiatives and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in 2020, established a full value chain greenhouse gas emission accounting system, identified and managed climate risks following international standards, and set emission reduction targets that are in line with PV industry's development and our operating conditions.


Climate Action 2023

We have also advocated energy conversation, emission reduction, and the use of renewable energy in our production bases, accelerated the certification of product carbon footprints, and thus became a forerunner in the industry's climate action and green development. Meanwhile, we have developed the corresponding climate risk management system, which is published in the 2023 Climate Action White Paper of LONGi.

LONGi and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals

The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define the global vision and priorities for 2030. LONGi is taking action to contribute to and follow the SDGs as a responsible leader in the PV industry.
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ESG Ratings

LONGi favors rating agencies with which the Group can maintain and develop constructive relationships to improve its ESG performance and pays particular attention to the evolution of these ratings. LONGi actively follows the international mainstream ratings, and dutifully manages to improve the key ratings.
Our Actions
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LONGi Supply Chain Green Partner Empowerment Program
LONGi awarded the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement by SGS
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Responses to Climate Change
As a leading global PV manufacturer, LONGi is deeply aware of its responsibility to reduce emissions.
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At the first phase meetings of 2021 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) held in China’s Kunming, LONGi announced an ambitious plan to convert its Baoshan plant in Yunnan into its first “Zero-carbon Plant” by 2023.
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About LONGi
LONGi released the “Zero-Carbon Life Plan for Pandas” and officially joined the giant panda protection public welfare
Biodiversity Conservation
LONGi places a high value on biodiversity conservation in the process of production, operation, and project development. We require all construction projects to identify and evaluate the impact on the ecological environment and biodiversity during project design and give priority to the principle of avoidance to avoid the sensitive and vulnerable areas in the ecological environment to the greatest extent.
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LONGi empowers global sustainable development and emission reduction actions by driving technology development through innovation.
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Environmental Protection
LONGi attaches great importance to the green and sustainable development for the world.
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LONGi Supply Chain Green Partner Empowerment Program
LONGi awarded the ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement by SGS
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Responses to Climate Change
As a leading global PV manufacturer, LONGi is deeply aware of its responsibility to reduce emissions.
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At the first phase meetings of 2021 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) held in China’s Kunming, LONGi announced an ambitious plan to convert its Baoshan plant in Yunnan into its first “Zero-carbon Plant” by 2023.
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About LONGi
LONGi released the “Zero-Carbon Life Plan for Pandas” and officially joined the giant panda protection public welfare
Biodiversity Conservation
LONGi places a high value on biodiversity conservation in the process of production, operation, and project development. We require all construction projects to identify and evaluate the impact on the ecological environment and biodiversity during project design and give priority to the principle of avoidance to avoid the sensitive and vulnerable areas in the ecological environment to the greatest extent.
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LONGi empowers global sustainable development and emission reduction actions by driving technology development through innovation.
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Environmental Protection
LONGi attaches great importance to the green and sustainable development for the world.
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Sustainability Management
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LONGi hopes to set a successful example to other solar and renewables companies with its “Produce Clean Energy with Clean Energy” initiatives.
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LONGi practices our core values of "Reliable, Value-added, Delighted" to add value to stakeholders while creating business value.
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LONGi adheres to the importance of consistent operational excellence and joins hands with our customers and partners for common development.
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Sustainability Report


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