Talent acquisition

We work through various strategies to attract and recruit skilled professional as well as boost internal mobility. Of the 75,066 employees we had as of the end of 2023, 55,033 were male, 20,033 were female, 8,760 were ethnic minorities, 10,088 were foreign employees, 53.10% were aged between 31 to 50.

In 2023, to facilitate internal mobility and better deploy human resources, we established the internal talent market mechanism and built “Job Posting”, an open and transparent internal transfer platform that allows employee to look up internal job vacancies and seek job transfer or rotation opportunities. Additionally, to better support former employees to rejoin our company, LONGi launched projects such as the Spring Comeback Program and the Revival Project.

Diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI)

Championing the philosophy of openness, inclusion, and equality, LONGi strives to foster a workplace culture of diversity that does not treat people differently because of their race, color, gender, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnical background, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy, disability, or veteran status. We ensure equality throughout the hiring and the entire work process. In 2023, we conducted a six-week training for employees in the human resource department on the code of conduct for HR hiring process to prevent discriminative acts. In the past year, 0 cases of anti discrimination were reported, and zero costs were incurred in employee discrimination lawsuits.

  • Gender diversity
    • Celebrating workplace gender diversity, equality, and creating equal development platform and opportunities for male and female employees.

LONGi’s DEI culture

About LONGi

Case|LONGi’s first international culture exchange meeting

In May 2023, LONGi held its first international cultural exchange meeting, gathering over a hundred employees from 22 countries. Through games and in-depth discussions, employees developed a deeper understanding of each other’s culture. By encouraging people to share insights around “future, culture, and integration”, we created a culture of diversity, openness, and inclusion. This initiative enhanced exchanges while injecting new impetus for the globalization endeavors of LONGi.
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LONGi’s round table discussion themed “Accelerating Gender Equality for a Sustainable Future” at COP28

In December, LONGi held the “Accelerating Gender Equality for a Sustainable Future” discussion at COP28 Solar+Pavillion and invited UN Women. As a global solar technology firm, LONGi witnessed the contribution of a large group of outstanding women to the development of clean energy.
About LONGi

Case|LONGi’s first international culture exchange meeting

In May 2023, LONGi held its first international cultural exchange meeting, gathering over a hundred employees from 22 countries. Through games and in-depth discussions, employees developed a deeper understanding of each other’s culture. By encouraging people to share insights around “future, culture, and integration”, we created a culture of diversity, openness, and inclusion. This initiative enhanced exchanges while injecting new impetus for the globalization endeavors of LONGi.
Others image

LONGi’s round table discussion themed “Accelerating Gender Equality for a Sustainable Future” at COP28

In December, LONGi held the “Accelerating Gender Equality for a Sustainable Future” discussion at COP28 Solar+Pavillion and invited UN Women. As a global solar technology firm, LONGi witnessed the contribution of a large group of outstanding women to the development of clean energy.
Compensation and benefits

LONGi formulated the Compensation Management Measures to ensure compliance, fairness, and justification of the compensation system, guaranteeing equal pay for equal work. In 2023, we iterated our internal policies and compensation system. This included establishing a differentiated incentive policy framework, applying varying operational metrics depending on job functions, and leveraging a differentiated distribution strategy. Our compensation package encompasses fixed pay, allowances and corporate profit-sharing, incentive bonuses, and long-term incentives.

In addition to the compensation package, LONGi also offers a range of non-salary benefits. Apart from statutory annual leaves, sick leaves, and unpaid leaves, we offer wedding leave, flexible points-redeemed leave, family visit leave from another place, and time off in lieu. Moreover, employees enjoy free meals (or meal allowances), halal cafeteria, free shuttle bus (or travel allowances) ,and free accommodation (or accommodation). For some employees, we offer flexible working options such as flexible working time and part-time working. These efforts are intended to enhance employees’ sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Employee care

We have published internal policies including the Management Measures for Employee Care, the Management Plan for Employee Cultural and Sports Activities, the Guide for Building Standard Employee Activity Facilities, and the Management Measures for Employee Clubs. We built a customized benefit model and a digital platform for benefits data management and provided 100% of employee benefits through centralized purchasing. By the end of the reporting period, LONGi had 156 employee clubs, and had granted USD8.51 million as labor union funds. LONGi provides all staff with supplementary commercial health insurance that includes insurance for major diseases and group health insurance that combine the compensatory model and the rationed payment model. During the reporting period, LONGi has added 1,069 employees (incl. their family members) to its insurance plan.

Talent cultivation

Fully considering the needs and patterns of employee development, LONGi offers two directions for employee development: the professional individual contributor track and the management track. We offer employees the most suitable career development options and training plans, depending on their performances and stages of development. To better motivate employees, we established the performance appraisal mechanism. Before the assessment, we regularly confirm the completion of performance targets with employees to help them discover risk points and deviations in time, and a post-appraisal communication on their performance rating and further action plans.

The General Project
The Human Resources Committee reviews and identifies individuals who have the six key qualities for leaders.
The Sergeant Project
The Human Resources Committee at manufacturing bases reviews and identifies qualified individuals.
The Lieutenant Project
Fully examine qualities of foremen to ensure they are up to par.
LONGi Futures
A program for fresh graduate students. Those who passed the evaluation are offered job positions.
LONGi Cultivation
Evaluate and offer positions to qualified campus hires in the classes of 2022 and 2023.
International Talent
Carefully match talent with business needs, identify international talent with background in manufacturing and marketing, and train them until they are up to par.
Training system

LONGi has built a comprehensive talent training mechanism, focusing on the growth and development of employees. Every year, LONGi reviews business needs and holds training budget kickoff meetings to ensure the training meets the needs of corporate strategy, business, and employee development. In 2023, we further refined the training system, introducing dedicated leaning programs for employees at different job levels and job category. During the reporting period, USD2.57 million was invested in employee training.

LONGi’s talent training system and empowerment programs

Program Content Annual performance
Leadership empowerment IconPersonalized training for leaders at different levels: -Senior managers: capacity enhancement projects for regional marketing area managers/regional leaders, capacity enhancement projects for manufacturing base general managers, senior executive workshops, etc. -Front-line managers: develop qualified talent for front-lie management through differentiated enablement programs for business unit foremen. We launched over 4 enablement projects for senior managers and front-line managers, meeting 100% of our training targets. Target completion rate in foreman enablement reached 137%.
Professional competence empowerment Icon-Organizing skill enhancement projects for employees in certain positions to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. -Carrying out course development project around product solutions to enhance product knowledge of marketing employees. We invested USD 225,280 in the training and certification in special operations and equipment operations. USD 126,720 was invested in the certification and training on Six Sigma Green Belt.
Campus hire training IconProviding boot camps, business training, in-position practice, and one-on-one mentorship for campus hires to enhance their professional skills and abilities to adapt. Coverage rate of LONGi campus enrolled employee reached 100%
Training by third parties Icon-Cooperating with third-party institutions to develop training programs for employees in professional sequence/series; for example, working with HR Excellence Center and Huawei Union College to enhance the professional capabilities of human resources workers. -Buying management courses from other institutions to offer opportunities for managers to learn and grow. Purchased over 3,962 member accounts
Overseas talent empowerment IconDevelop training programs for overseas employees and global insights training programs for employees relocating abroad to ensure that our overseas manufacturing bases to commence production quickly, thus supporting our international business. Accumulatively cultivated and exported over 500 international talents
Further education

LONGi attaches great importance to the continuous learning and personal growth of employees. We organized a series of courses for employees at key positions in finance, procurement, and investment. In 2023, LONGi saw 7 of its subsidiaries becoming certified professional skills certifying institutions, and we have reimbursed employees who continued their education with RMB91,000. 82 of our employees received top-up degrees, and 1,079 received professional titles. LONGi also built a comprehensive talent training system from doctoral and post-doctoral education, powering the deep integration of talent cultivation, value chain, and innovation.

Additionally, to fight against the challenge brought by global climate change and promote gender equality, LONGi encourages employees to join the UN Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator and Target Gender Equality Accelerator and support them to acquire certification in this area in order to enhancing employees’ ESG awareness and professional skills. Employees are engaged in the three programs, i.e. the UN Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator, Target Gender Equality Accelerator, and SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals, and have acquired certification on the former two accelerators.

Yuxuan: Being in the UN Climate Ambition Accelerator training has not only shed light on the severity of Climate Change, but it also makes me realize that individuals can make a difference. As an employee of LONGi, I feel the enormous responsibility to use what I learned in the program to promote the green philosophy and work with my team to contribute to the future of the world.

Zixuan: The UN Gender Equality Accelerator training has allowed me to deeply understand the importance of gender equality to the advancement of society. Gender equality is not just about equal rights but a milestone towards a better civilization. To realize gender equality requires the efforts of all. I will actively practice what I have learned and dedicate my insights and efforts to creating a more just and inclusive workplace