Biodiversity conservation throughout the whole lifecycle of projects

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    Design and planning
    • Carrying out ecological base research on the project sites to understand the local species and their growth characteristics with a focus on the factors related to biodiversity conservation, and giving priority to the protection of endemic species and their habitats;
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Case|LONGi's high-efficiency PV modules help build the nation's largest single-installed PV power plant

Shengli No. 1 Open-pit Coal Mine is one of the coal mines of the Shengli mining area in Mengdong Base, one of the thirteen large coal bases in China. Its dumps are featured by sparse vegetation and high dust levels on bare grounds. According to the geographical characteristics of the project location, LONGi built a PV power station with an area of 50,000 acres, the largest open-pit PV project in China, on the three idle dumps in the open-pit mining area. On the one hand, this power station reduces the evaporation of surface water by 20%-30% through physical barriers, improves the living environment of plants, and helps ecological restoration. On the other hand, it brings economic benefits to the local area through the generation of green electricity.

As an important clean energy supply base of Xilin Gol League, this project generates 224 million kWh of green electricity annually, saving 98,700 tonnes of standard coal and reducing 295,000tonnes of carbon emission.

The open-pit dump PV power station of Shengli Energy Co., Ltd. under CHN Energy Investment Group
The open-pit dump PV power station of Shengli Energy Co., Ltd. under CHN Energy Investment Group

LONGi attaches great importance to cultivating employees’ awareness of biodiversity conservation and integrates biodiversity protection awareness into daily business activities in various forms. In 2023, we organized a special training on biodiversity and invited industry experts to introduce the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework”. We announced the “Zero Carbon Life Plan for Pandas”, which leverages PV technology to promote climate action and biodiversity conservation, in a side meeting themed “Green Energy Powers Climate Action and Biodiversity Conservation” at Solar+ Pavilion in the Blue Zone of COP28.

Case| LONGi released the “Zero-Carbon Life Plan for Pandas” and officially joined the giant panda protection public welfare

In December 2023, LONGi released the “Zero-Carbon Life Plan for Pandas” at COP28. The project used Hi-MO X6 Scientist series modules to build a distributed PV power station for the Foping Rescue, Breeding and Research Base of Qinling Giant Panda (Foping Panda Base), and announced the lifelong adoption of a Qinling giant panda named “HiMO”,\ marking the start of a journey of giant panda protection. At the same time, in consideration of the off-grid electricity consumption of Foping National Nature Reserve, PV technology is used to provide products and technical support for the fire prevention video system and wildlife dynamic monitoring video system of the reserve, as well as providing green electricity for other facilities in the reserve.
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