Risk management system

The Company strictly complies with relevant domestic and overseas laws and regulations, and has issued relevant system documents such as the Internal Control Management Policy, Compliance Management Policy, and Code of Business Conduct. In 2023, we continued our endeavors to improve the “three lines of defense” of compliance risk management, and saw to it that the responsibilities of all departments at all levels are clearly defined to ensure the Company’s stable and compliant operations.

  • First line of defense
    • Business departments As the primary bodies responsible for risk management in their respective domains, business departments are tasked with controlling risks in business operations.
Compliance management

LONGi has built the compliance management system and carried forward the certification projects in line with the ISO 37301: 2021 Compliance Management Systems - Requirements and Guidance. The Company managed to identify and assess business risks involving around 14 compliance issues including but not limited to labor employment, anti-monopoly, and anti-bribery. And the company is developing targeted measures to address the risks identified, embedding compliance risk management into daily operations and management. In 2023, we obtained the ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems certification.

In addition, the Company factored “Compliance Violation Incidents” indicators into the performance of departments and organizations, with corresponding scoring rules put in place.

LONGi’s Compliance Management Structure

  • Chief Compliance Officer
    • Assumed by the Vice President, responsible for leading the Group’s compliance risk management efforts
Audit and supervision

Internal and external audits are conducted on a scheduled basis to drive business units and internal control departments to improve their management.

Audit projects of various types
Risk points identified and rectified