Stakeholder Expectations How we engaged Highlights in 2023
Customers Icon-Reliable and efficient products -Quality service -Contract compliance -Ethical business environment -Customer technical exchanges and new product launches -Industry exhibitions -400 service platform on the official website and satisfaction surveys -Customer ESG exchanges -Headquarters conducted a total of 43 on-site ESG communication sessions with customers, concentrated in Europe, the Americas, Oceania, and the Asia-Pacific regions -The total number of visitors to the Group’s headquarters smart energy exhibition hall exceeded 80,000, with an annual visit count 2.66 times that of the previous year
Employees and labor unions Icon-Health and safety -Career development -Positive working environment -Rights protection -Workers’ Congress and Labor Union Committee -Training and education, employer branding -Employee forums, activities, and clubs -Chairman’s mailbox -LONGi Happy+ and a complaint reporting mini-program -All levels of the Group’s labor unions conducted 129,736 employee communications throughout the year, averaging 1.79 communications per person, collecting 7,654 employee issues, with a 95.56% issue closure rate -The Chairman’s mailbox received 335 employee issues, with a closure rate of 98.99%, and regularly disclosed the handling status of issues
Shareholders and investors Icon-Investment returns -Financial stability -Performance briefings, investor hotlines, roadshows, and conference calls -Shareholders’ meetings, regular reports and announcements, and on-site survey -The Company held a total of 159 investor conference calls, 55 strategy meetings, 46 roadshow events, received 99 on-site survey visits, and hosted 4 performance briefings
Suppliers and partners Icon-Win-win cooperation -Contract compliance -Green supply chain -Ethical business environment -Supplier code of conduct and transparent procurement -Supplier website platform, collaborative innovation, and supplier conferences -Supplier empowerment training -Supplier risk assessments and on-site audits -Conducted 258 supplier training sessions, totaling 608 hours, with 5,993 participants -Conducted annual CSR due diligence surveys on suppliers covering 83% of procurement spending
Government and regulatory authorities Icon-Taxation -Employment -Compliance operation -Oversight and inspections, policy recommendations -Involvement in government-related summits -Participated in events such as the 28th session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), the “Industrial Sustainable Innovation”, and partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Industry associations Icon-Fair competition -Promoting industry development -Technology and experience sharing -Industry exchanges and seminars -Project collaboration -Established collaborative relationships with more than 30 universities and research institutes such as Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Electrical Engineering, and Lanzhou University -Conducted nearly 100 project collaborations with partners upstream and downstream of the industry chain and held nearly 60 technical exchange activities, addressing more than 80 technical demands
Community and NGOs Icon-Environmental protection -Rights protection -Safety -Supporting community development -Proactive community communication, participation in project cooperation -Charitable donations, public welfare activities -Involvement in industry associations, societies, corporate open days -Engagement in corporate and non-governmental organization meetings -Partnered with organizations such as the UNHCR, Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus, and ATP TOUR -Attended closed-door meetings on “Accelerating Net Zero Emissions: Innovative Strategies for Manufacturing” at the Davos Winter Summit -Conducted 48 public welfare donation and education support projects, with a total donation of RMB 12.7592 million, benefiting nearly 36,000 people
Media Icon-Transparent information -Smooth communication -News coverage -management interviews -ESG event media communication meetings -LONGi participated in the “ESG in China” interview produced by Finance -Conducted 10 media interviews and 1 interview with Abu Dhabi National TV during the COP28 event, and held 1 themed press conference on low-carbon transformation and fair communication
Academic experts/scholars/professional organizations Icon-Policy trends -Industry dynamics -Professional seminars -Focus groups -Expert lectures -Conducted 5 sessions of expert lectures on ESG -Invited professional ESG practitioners and experts to LONGi for closed-door discussions on cutting-edge ESG topics -Joined the China ESG Alliance and became a member of the Social Value Investment Alliance
Highlights of stakeholder engagement in 2023

LONGi has eagerly expanded the channels and forms of stakeholder engagement, seeking external feedback and suggestions to drive the sustainable development of the LONGi value chain, thus contributing to global sustainability efforts. We remain diligently involved in industry events organized by international bodies to showcase the sustainable achievements of Chinese PV enterprises to the world.

Case|LONGi’s full-scale response to the United Nations SDGs at international events

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“ISSB Partnership for Early Awareness of Sustainability-Disclosure Today”

We have participated in discussions on sustainability disclosure guidelines and criteria by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the China Association for Public Companies, joining “ISSB Partnership for Early Awareness of Sustainability-Disclosure Today”.

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March - Chairman Zhong Baoshen attended the Boao Forum for Asia for the China-Australia Entrepreneurs Dialogue

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April - President Li Zhenguo was invited to the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Roundtable

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June - LONGi attended the Colombia Global Energy Summit

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August - LONGi took part in the Intersolar South America Exhibition

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September - President Li Zhenguo attended the ESG Global Leaders Conference

President Li Zhenguo attended the ESG Global Leaders Conference, the high-level week of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations SDG Summit 2023, and the Global Energy Interconnection Conference

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November - President Li Zhenguo spoke at the 2023 APEC CEO Summit

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December - LONGi set up the Solar+ Pavilion in the Blue Zone at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)

LONGi set up the Solar+ Pavilion in the Blue Zone at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), organizing 29 events, engaging with organizations such as the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and Carbon Trust, and released the third climate action white paper

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“ISSB Partnership for Early Awareness of Sustainability-Disclosure Today”

We have participated in discussions on sustainability disclosure guidelines and criteria by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the China Association for Public Companies, joining “ISSB Partnership for Early Awareness of Sustainability-Disclosure Today”.

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March - Chairman Zhong Baoshen attended the Boao Forum for Asia for the China-Australia Entrepreneurs Dialogue

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April - President Li Zhenguo was invited to the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Roundtable

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June - LONGi attended the Colombia Global Energy Summit

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August - LONGi took part in the Intersolar South America Exhibition

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September - President Li Zhenguo attended the ESG Global Leaders Conference

President Li Zhenguo attended the ESG Global Leaders Conference, the high-level week of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations SDG Summit 2023, and the Global Energy Interconnection Conference

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November - President Li Zhenguo spoke at the 2023 APEC CEO Summit

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December - LONGi set up the Solar+ Pavilion in the Blue Zone at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)

LONGi set up the Solar+ Pavilion in the Blue Zone at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), organizing 29 events, engaging with organizations such as the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and Carbon Trust, and released the third climate action white paper

Materiality matrix and response to highly important issues

Evaluating materiality involves a comprehensive analysis of potential risks and opportunities, constituting a critical task for the management during decision-making processes.

In 2023, following the steps outlined in our materiality assessment process—stakeholder engagement, topics identification, topics evaluation, materiality confirmation, issue review—we carried out systematic research involving our stakeholders. We pinpointed key ESG issues facing the Company and potential future paths and applied the “double materiality” perspective, which considers both “importance to business continuity and development” and “importance to stakeholders”. This led to the identification of 39 topics with high relevance to the Company. The final matrix, created based on the survey results, features 16 topics that are highly important from both dimensions for the 2023 ESG materiality matrix.

LONGi’s materiality matrix in 2023

Materiality Assessment Process

  • Stakeholder engagement
    • Maintaining regular communication with investors, customers, government entities, and other stakeholders, noting their areas of interest and specific concerns, and responding to their various appeals.