Customer health and safety

We are committed to safeguarding our customers’ health and safety, ensuring all products we provide are secure and reliable. During the product design phase, we assess risks such as electric shock and fire hazards, identifying and mitigating potential safety issues.

  • When selecting materials for products: we adhere to strict standards and norms, aiming to avoid substances harmful to human health and reducing health risks at their source.
  • After the sale: we continue to monitor product safety risks, promptly initiating recalls and disposal actions upon identifying defects or safety concerns.

We have established a product recall management procedure, clearly defining both proactive and reactive product recall processes. In the event of a product recall, we quickly prepare a detailed report outlining the reasons for the recall, the scope, and the resolution, and we take targeted corrective and preventive measures to prevent similar incidents. By the end of the reporting period, all LONGi component products have been certified with IEC 61730 PV module safety certification, and no product recalls occurred within the reporting period.

Customer service system

LONGi has built a three-tiered global customer service system that connects regional offices, customer service departments at marketing centers, and quality management departments. This system efficiently allocates service resources to respond swiftly and professionally to customer needs. We have developed “business- technology- service” trinity, an “iron triangle” three dimensional service model, to meet customers’ full lifecycle needs for business solutions, product technology, and delivery services. In 2023, we added business, delivery, and product technology liaison networks within this service model to ensure real-time connection and prompt resolution of customer issues, securing efficient and rapid service closure.

LONGi’s global customer service system

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    First level: local technical service
    • Six regional offices has been established around the world as customer service interfaces, providing fast responses, thorough on-site research and analysis, and crafting professional product solutions.
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Customer satisfaction

LONGi respects the opinions and feedback of every customer and has established diverse and accessible communication channels. We have instituted a “dual closed loop, dual zeroing” system for handling customer complaints, detailing the promptness of resolutions, principles for graded and escalated responses, and standards for closing the loop, ensuring that customer complaints are resolved efficiently and properly.

“Dual closed loop, dual zeroing” system
“Dual closed loop, dual zeroing” system

In 2023, to further understand customer needs and enhance their experience, we established a customer satisfaction survey mechanism based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) system. Monthly customer satisfaction follow-ups were conducted, scoring across four aspects: overall service, timeliness, professionalism, and attitude. After collecting and analyzing customer feedback, we therefore improved our products and services. In 2023, customer satisfaction scores increased from 4.51 to 4.80 out of 5 by the end of the year.

CC3 organizations IconSales managers, delivery managers, and solution managers provide direct service support.
Service hotline Icon4008-601012
Official website Icon
LONGi e-mail

Responsible marketing

Embracing the core values of responsible marketing, LONGi has put in place rigorous review and oversight processes for all marketing content. This ensures each piece of material receives the green light from our authorized managers before going public, aligning with all legal and regulatory requirements. In 2023, LONGi had 0 instances of marketing violations.

To instill a culture of accountability among our sales force, LONGi consistently rolls out an array of trainings focused on adherence to marketing best practices. In 2023, the Group launched the “iron triangle” enhancement initiative for frontline sales teams and provided comprehensive marketing courses for new employees. This initiative strengthens sales personnel’s understanding of corporate ethos and product knowledge and heightens their awareness of responsible marketing risks, ensuring the compliance of product promotion and sales activities.

Instances of marketing violations of LONGi in 2023