The Group established a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system to create a safe production environment and culture, effectively safeguarding the occupational health and safety of employees. We have formulated internal administrative guidelines, including the Management System for Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health, and Safety Accidents, the Work Safety System, the Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Management Manual, the Occupational Health Management System, the Laborer Personal Protective Equipment Management System, and the Laborer Occupational Health Monitoring, Protection and Files Management System. Additionally, we have established the EHS Committee, representing all employees, overseeing our corporate work around occupational health and safety, and building a comprehensive and standardized production safety system. In 2023, our occupational health and safety system covered 100% of our employees, and 100% of formally commissioned manufacturing bases of our subsidiaries have been certified to ISO 45001.

In 2023, we further improved our safety management system by publishing 24 more management measures, including 4 Procedures, i.e. the EHS Incidents and Accidents Control Procedure, the Fire Control Procedure, the EHS Emergency Preparedness and Response Control Procedure, the Control Procedure of Environmental Safety Target Metrics and Management Plan, and 13 general standards, such as the EHS Education and Training Management System and Major EHS Hazards Management Measures, as well as 7 general policies, including Guidelines on Achieving “Three Simultaneities” in Building Project Safety and Occupational Disease Prevention Facilities, and EHS Risk Identification in Construction Projects.

Production safety

Guided by the production safety management principle of “safety first-comprehensive governance with a main focus on precaution”, LONGi has been working nonstop to strengthen safety ownership and responsibility. We set annual occupational health and safety management goals to implement production safety measures and ensure all work is healthy and stable. Under relevant policies, we set goals for occupational health and safety every year and take a goal-oriented approach to implement measures to safeguard production safety.

To effectively manage occupational health and safety risks in the production and manufacturing process, we engaged all employees in the identification and assessment of safety hazards, thus ensuring that risks in all steps, including engineering, silicon wafers, batteries, PV modules, and power plants are identified and controlled. Moreover, we instructed frontline teams to carry out risk control, emergency drills, examinations, and training to prevent accidents and incidents from happening.

Emergency drills and risk examinations were conducted
Improvements were made to EHS technologies
Production safety activities were carried out
The attendance at production safety training reached

Occupational health

Adhering to lLO Occupational Safety and Health Convention1, LONGi values occupational health of its employees as well as employees of suppliers. We join hands with all stakeholders to abide by global system of classification and labelling of chemicals including Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).

LONGi has set the occupational health management goal of zero occupational diseases. We regularly monitor occupational hazards in the workplace and provide employees with occupational health examinations before, during, and after work. We rolled out comprehensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services for all employees together with other activities such as global psychological support to enhance employees’ self-protection capabilities. During the reporting period, we pioneered the establishment of health cabins in our headquarters, providing employees with health consultations, routine health diagnosis, and emergency first aid training services. Our Group Environmental and Safety Management Department collaborated with the Shaanxi Red Cross Society and the Shaanxi Boai Red Cross Emergency Rescue Service Center to carry out emergency first aid campaignsand training. Forty employees of ours attended the first-aid volunteer training and obtained the “Heartsaver First Aid/CPR/AED” international first-aid certificate. Our first batch of 20 AED was deployed in the office building compound, exhibition halls, production workshops, etc., further ensuring employees’ lives, health, and safety.

We established a three-level management system for occupational health. Regular monthly and bi-weekly occupational health sessions are held to collect employee feedback. Moreover, we’ve categorized common occupational health problems into 7 topics, and circulation information around them to address pain points in daily occupational health management. We took one step further to include employee occupational health metrics in the performance review of managers to better incentivize them to work more actively on protecting employee health.

LONGi’s three-level occupational health management structure

  • The Group Environment Safety Department
    • Be responsible for coordinating, organizing, and planning of environment safety work. Develop efficient processes, design enablement plans, oversee, evaluate, and provide profession support to departments under.

Case| LONGi’s innovative Fire Prevention Month activities

From November to December, to enhance employees’ skills in health and safety protection and emergency response, LONGi and the local government held a fight fighting-themed sports meeting. Through the innovative model of advocation, training, competition, practice, and inspection, we engaged 87,603 individuals in the project, with 97.7% of them passing the review. Also, 67,154 individuals participated in the firefighting skill competition, covering 89.8% of all activity participants. 58 emergency drills were carried out, with a coverage rate of 100%; 110 topic-centered inspections were conducted, with a coverage rate of 100%.

LONGi’s fire prevention month activity in 2023
LONGi’s fire prevention month activity in 2023