LONGi has established the Quality Management Committee and set up a continuous improvement organization covering the entire group in 2023. We issued four documents on the procedure and system of continuous quality improvement to enhance the capability of all employees to identify and address quality issues and specify quality management responsibilities at all levels. Through a comprehensive and science-based quality management system, we strive to ensure effective implementation of quality management to facilitate the implementation of the company's business strategies.

Comprehensive Management of Lifecycle Quality

LONGi is committed to achieving high quality in line with high standards and integrates LONGi’s “Product Lifecycle Quality Standard” into every stage of product design, production, and application to ensure excellence in quality standards throughout the entire product lifecycle.

Product Lifecycle Quality Standard
Product Lifecycle Quality Standard

In 2023, we focused on optimizing the quality management process for new product development. With module products as the pilot, we standardized quality strategy, quality planning, quality data management, quality risk, and issue management for new products. By clarifying quality objectives from the project initiation stage and breaking down these objectives into specific requirements and standards for each stage, we achieved effective and stringent monitoring of key processes, which significantly enhanced the quality and efficiency of new product development.

Lifecycle Quality Management for New Product Development
Lifecycle Quality Management for New Product Development
Honours of LONGi’s product quality in 2023
AQM Awards
With high performance and quality, LONGi won the “PV Module Energy Simulation AQM” awarding for its Hi-MO 6 and Hi-MO 7 modules from TÜV Rheinland Germany in September. This is already the seventh consecutive year they have won an award in the PV module c
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SGS Award for Outstanding Management of Quality and Sustainable Development
In December, LONGi won the award for “Outstanding Management of Quality and Sustainable Development” by SGS.
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Quality System Management

All of our manufacturing plants have obtained ISO 9001 quality management system certification, and our module products have obtained IEC 62941 manufacturing quality system certification for ground-mounted PV modules. In 2023, we have introduced a value-added quantitative evaluation model based on traditional quality system internal inspections, effectively integrating the T/CAQ10102 quality system maturity assessment guidelines into the GB/T19580 criteria for performance excellence, and customizing evaluations based on the features of different organizational levels.

Domestic manufacturing base

LONGi Solar Technology obtained again the TÜV IEC TS 62941 quality system certification for photovoltaic module manufacturing.

Overseas manufacturing base

  • Vietnam base: The NWestern Vietnam, Vietnam module factory, and Vietnam cell factory have all received the on-site inspections by Certification Partner Global (CPG) and have obtained QEHS certification.
  • Malaysia base: The Serenda module factory, Kuching silicon solar factory, and Kuching cell factory have all passed inspections by the British Standards Institution (BSI) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and have obtained ISO 9001 certification and EHS certification.
Quality Information System

Longi regards Quality Big Data as core driving force to promoting the Total Quality Management Digitalization strategy. We have built an ‘1+7+1’ Quality Informatization management system, focusing on quality data throughout product full life cycle to achieve collection, management and analysis of quality data in all aspects as while as establishing an on-line traceability system to ensure stability and traceability of product quality. In 2023, by operating under‘1+7+1’Quality Informatization management system , we have achieved 10% man power reduction, 4.9% roll throughput yield improvement and 30% defect rate reduction through application of AI algorithm, which significantly contributes to product quality and optimization.

LONGi’s “1+7+1” Quality Informatization Management

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    • Origin of Digital Quality Management - Large Quality Management System
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Digital Quality Management
Innovation and Classic Case
at the Fifth China Quality
Conference hosted by the
State Administration for
Market Regulation
Digital Quality Management
Innovation and Classic Case
at the Fifth China Quality
Conference hosted by the
State Administration for
Market Regulation
Quality Culture

LONGi has established a Quality Culture Model by drawing on international and domestic industry standards and integrating them with the Company's current development of quality culture. The model is guided by one vision, five core concepts, and supported by four-dimensional system measures, to deepen the development of quality culture from all aspects.

Quality Culture Model of LONGi
Quality Culture Model of LONGi
Empowerment Training

To ensure the efficient operation and continuous optimization of the group's quality management system, we have expanded beyond ISO 9001 system auditors to include internal auditors and have trained a total of 206 professional evaluators, including chief, senior, intermediate, and junior levels. In addition, we have established a “321” quality training system tailored to enhance capabilities based on team members' quality management responsibilities at various levels. For team leaders, we conducted quality management capability training; for manufacturing personnel, we implemented an efficient “4D” problem-solving method across all production bases1, considerably enhancing the efficiency of quality management in the manufacturing process. In 2023, we adopted Six Sigma quality management empowerment training and certified 47 Green Belts, 16 Black Belts, and 2 Master Black Belts.

Case| LONGi’s Quality Month

In September 2023, LONGi kicked off a 90-day Quality Month event. During the event, we organized over 404 activities, including more than 130 customer exchange events, 79 skill competitions, and 141 targeted empowerment training, with the total number of participants exceeding 90,000. This initiative effectively improved quality awareness among all employees and fostered a strong quality culture, thereby solidifying the foundation of product quality.