Supplier Management Mechanisms
LONGi has formulated the Supplier Management Procedures, the Supplier Recruitment Management Measures, the Supplier CSR Management Measures, and revised and added the Supplier Development Management, the Supplier Exit Management, Supplier Performance Management, and Supplier Communication Management, totally 17 internal management documents. These documents break down the management framework into detailed rules and processes, achieving systematic and standardized supplier management and control.
1. The procurement expenditure on LONGi’s significant tier 1 suppliers accounted for 85% of the total procurement budget, and 357 diversified have completing registration.
LONGi is dedicated to fostering a fair, just, transparent, and efficient supplier management system. In 2023, LONGi refined the structure of the Supplier Management Committee, clarifying functions at all levels to achieve a more efficient and professional specialization and collaboration. This ensures that management tasks are handled with a dedicated and meticulous approach.