Supply Chain Management System

LONGi has established comprehensive supplier management processes, covering access evaluation, risk identification, performance assessment, annual audits, and corrective action implementation nonconformities. This full-process management of suppliers minimizes supply chain risks to the greatest extent.

LONGi is dedicated to fostering a fair, just, transparent, and efficient supplier management system. In 2023, LONGi refined the structure of the Supplier Management Committee, clarifying functions at all levels to achieve a more efficient and professional specialization and collaboration. This ensures that management tasks are handled with a dedicated and meticulous approach.

Supply Chain Risk Management

To ensure the stability and security of the supply chain, LONGi established a comprehensive risk monitoring mechanism, regularly assessing and updating supply chain risks to ensure promptness and effectiveness in risk management.

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    Trade risks
    • Developed the Global Customs Compliance Management Measures, conducted annual reviews for import and export trade compliance risks, and took prompt preventative measures.
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LONGi and Ferroglobe PLC

LONGi and Ferroglobe PLC, a world leading producer of Silicon Metal and Ferroalloys, have entered into a long-term supply agreement effective January 1, 2024.

Ferroglobe PLC (NASDAQ: GSM) the largest producer of Silicon Metal in the Western World and a leading global producer of silicon-based alloys and manganese-based alloys serving a customer base across the globe in dynamic and fast-growing end-markets, such as solar, automotive, consumer products, construction and energy.

This agreement consolidates the partnership between the two companies and paves the way for even stronger collaboration in the future. Under the terms of the agreement, Ferroglobe will supply high-quality quartzite and metallurgical grade silicon (MGS) to LONGi to support its strategy to increase purchases from the leading Western suppliers of silicon materials.